struct map_desc 與抽象化程式碼小談

jollen 發表於 May 11, 2007 11:29 AM

前日與客戶進行 Linux device driver 教育訓練時,簡單討論到有關 JK2410 的 IO memory layout 描述方式。在 linux 2.6.20.x 的 BSP 實作中,kernel 提供用來描述 board-level(machine)IO mapping 的資料結構稱為 'struct map_desc',其定義如下:

1 /*
2  *  linux/include/asm-arm/map.h
3  *
4  *  Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Russell King
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
9  *
10  *  Page table mapping constructs and function prototypes
11  */
12 struct map_desc {
13         unsigned long virtual;
14         unsigned long pfn;
15         unsigned long length;
16         unsigned int type;
17 };
19 #define MT_DEVICE               0
20 #define MT_CACHECLEAN           1
21 #define MT_MINICLEAN            2
22 #define MT_LOW_VECTORS          3
23 #define MT_HIGH_VECTORS         4
24 #define MT_MEMORY               5
25 #define MT_ROM                  6
26 #define MT_IXP2000_DEVICE       7
27 #define MT_NONSHARED_DEVICE     8
29 #ifdef CONFIG_MMU
30 extern void iotable_init(struct map_desc *, int);
31 #else
32 #define iotable_init(map,num)   do { } while (0)
33 #endif

這是一個非常「輕薄」的設計,以 Jollen-Kit! Pro. 開發板來說,我的實作程式碼如下:

diff -Naur linux- linux-
--- linux-	2007-03-24 03:52:51.000000000 +0800
+++ linux-	2007-04-04 17:48:05.000000000 +0800
@@ -55,7 +55,13 @@
 #include "common-smdk.h"
 static struct map_desc smdk2410_iodesc[] __initdata = {
-  /* nothing here yet */
+    /* ISA IO Space mapping for CS8900. Memory space is selected by A24. */
+        {
+                .virtual        = 0xd0000000,
+                .pfn            = S3C24XX_PA_CS8900,
+                .length         = 0x00100000,
+                .type           = MT_DEVICE,
+        }

程式碼簡單乾淨,這能讓不懂 kernel 的硬體開發人員也能快速上手維護。這讓我們了解到,一些「抽象」設計的 kernel 程式碼,雖然在某個程度來說,會讓 developer 多花一些時間才能 trace 到底層,但卻能適度提供硬體開發人員一些彈性空間。例如,不需要懂 kernel 的硬體工程師,也能有自行修改 IO mapping 設定的能力。

附帶一提,S3C24XX_PA_CS8900 是 IO memory 的實體位址(physical address)。

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